Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Andrea Evans "Isn't Going Anywhere"

The soap gods are smiling down on One Life to Live fans these days. In addition to winning Director and Writing at the 35th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards now comes word that the recently returned Andrea Evans "isn't going anywhere."

That's right folks. In his latest Suds Report Nelson Branco reports he has it straight from Ron Carlivati. I know long time One Life to Live fans such as Daytime Confidential's Tina are extremely happy with this and as a fan seeing Andrea Evans in the role for the first time I can see why long time fans would be so happy with this news.

Since there could be many viewers such as myself who have no memory of Evan's character Tina I think it would be great if those of you who remember her from "the good-old-days" could share some of your favorite Tina storylines so that the rest of us can relive your memories.

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